Saturday, February 16, 2013

Fishing Nets a Major Threat to Sea Turtles
During their migration, the loggerhead turtles often encounter fishing nets. Shrimp fishing amongst other fishing practices constitute a major threat to the sea turtles all over the world. The turtles get caught in the nets and drown, because they are unable to surface to breath. Hundreds, maybe thousands of these creatures are entangled in nets in US waters alone. Loggerheads are particular threatened by the nets, more so than any other species.
Modified trawl nets have a device that guides turtles and other larger animals out of the trawl net.
 ( picture on the right shows the guide rails in the net.)

By going to the new nets like the one above, the sea turtles can escape before drowning

1 comment:

  1. This is so sad! It makes me wonder how long a turtle can hold its breath. Hopefully people are working on ways to prevent this from happening.
